35 events found.
Latest Past Events
Boyseve: Futsal Tournament
ISE Oirschotsedijk 14B, EindhovenSalam aleykum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh, Has it been a long time since you nutmegged somebody? When was the last time you […]
Ladies Eve: Indoor football
Sporthal de Tempel Henegouwenlaan 2, EindhovenSalam 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh, As requested after our previous successful indoor Football event, we are happy to announce a new […]
Boyseve: Padel
Beursgebouw lardinoisstraat 8, EindhovenYou are only registered if you have paid! Members €5 https://tikkie.me/pay/Studentenve/tjnKKFLGRq2E2fyjPq1TCQ non-members €8 https://tikkie.me/pay/Studentenve/jckyvYNjZPK6fXxBjqierG